Minggu, 23 Januari 2011

Punctuation Reminders

sometimes we often forget the importance of punctuation in writing, but it is also important so here I provide some solutions in the writing of punctuation with examples and explanations so safe learning  1. Periods and commas go inside quotation marks, even for single words: Fred said, "That rule is amazing." Her mouth said, "Yes," but her look said, "No." 2. Ellipsis dots have brackets around them and spaces between them. If you wish to leave out the phrase "across the lake" in the sentence, "A breeze began to blow across the lake when the sun set," it would be punctuated like this: A breeze began to blow [. . .] when the sun set. 3. When an ellipsis comes at the end of a sentence, a period is added. Original sentences: "I want three items for my birthday. First is a computer....

Jumat, 21 Januari 2011

Thanks for visiting this blog  do not ever get bored .....!!!!!!!!! yach When friends have problems in learning English here is the place to exchange thoughts, knowledge and experience in learning the English language that has been in the can If friends want to hone skills in listening, friends can visit sites that already exist in the list of menu links If the friends in trouble with the new vocabulary friends can also see a variety of new and updated vocabulary and much more serious if the friend to his ability to speak english so let's learn together to memacahkan problem we do not know Today should be better than yesterday and yesterday should be better than today do not ever get bored yachhhhhhhhhh .....!!!!!!!!!!! Wahid ED10...

Kamis, 20 Januari 2011


THE IDEA Andy Wasnick loved the idea. Mary Arthur __1__ it. Kurt Mendez didn’t think it was any big deal. Mr. El thought it was a brilliant idea. After all, it was __2__ idea. “It’s only fair,” Mr. El explained to his new fourth graders as they stood in line waiting for the lunch bell to ring, “that we turn things around. Every year you guys line up in alphabetical __3__. Alphabetical order to go to lunch, to go to gym, to go home, and so on. This __4__ we’re using reverse alphabetical order.” Mindy Vale put her hand down as Mr. El pointed to her. “I’ve always had to stand at the __5__ of the line, ever since __6__! Now I’m near the front. Thank you, thank you!” The teacher smiled. Then he called on Christopher Cash, a serious and thoughtful young man. “Mr. El, I think you should reconsider...

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